Dog Day Afternoon w/ Al Pacino. 5" Sony Television from the 1975 movie set.

This is the only one! This item is the small 5" Sony TV that was used on the movie set and filming of the movie Dog Day Afternoon with Al Pacino. There were a number of scenes in the movie you can see this small portable Sony TV. It was on the desk of the bank manager.


Acquired From:


Mearto's online appraisal:


Mearto specialist

December 20, 2023
Fair Market Value:

Thank you for submitting your item for appraisal. This appears to be a portable TV that was used on the set of the Dog Day Afternoon movie with Al Pacino. There is a small later technical alteration at the back, but apart from that it appears to be the one used on the set. Recent auction results for Dog Day Afternoon movie props were not very high, but within the story of the movie and american TV culture in general this portable TV plays a major iconic role. Together with the provenance it should attract bids at an auction. The estimate is based on auction results of Al Pacino movies related items offered or sold at auction.