antiques & curio

slot machine mills futurity

machine mills futurity


Acquired From:


Mearto's online appraisal:


Mearto specialist

December 20, 2023
Fair Market Value:

Good morning, John, Thank you for submitting photographs for appraisal at Mearto. You have a Mills Futurity 5-Cent Slot machine, the serial number would probably narrow the date range but most of the ones on the market today were made in the 1930s. I have seen higher prices paid at auction for these than the range I have given, but those were at auction houses that specialized in slot machines, arcade games, etc. You also do not say what the condition of this is, and whether or not it works - collectors will pay more for a machine that works. I hope this information has been useful to you. Please let us know if you have additional questions, and thanks again for using Mearto.