Original Oil Painting by Willie Bauer

Along the River Artist Willi Bauer W.T. Burger Co, Inc Registry No. 91232 German Artist


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Mearto's online appraisal:

Karine SH

Mearto specialist

December 20, 2023
Fair Market Value:

Dear Ilean, Thank you for contacting us once again with your appraisal inquiry. This oil painting depicts a German or Alsacian landscape with a river in the foreground. It is signed "W. Bauer" on the lower left edge, and it is housed in a beautiful wooden frame. It appears to be in excellent condition. Overall, the results appear fairly consistent for this particular artist, with paintings typically selling within their presale estimates. Once again, the estimation highlighted in red above is based on comparables offered and sold at auction in the last five years. The subject work’s size, the composition, condition (based on photographs and comments provided), and the artists’ current auction market were taken into consideration when determining the estimate. In many cases, pricing for similar items available on the primary (retail) market vary and are often higher than secondary (auction) market examples. Best regards, Karine