Fine Art A.H. Vickers Oil Painting

23 x 36 Oil Landscape painting signed by the artist A.H. Vickers (1853-1907) with some damage per images


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Mearto's online appraisal:

Karine SH

Mearto specialist

December 20, 2023
Fair Market Value:

Dear Denny, Thank you for contacting us again with this second appraisal inquiry. The appraised work appears to be an oil painting by the British artist called Albert Henry Vickers (1853-1907). This is a view of a medieval city on the river that is signed on lower right "A.H. Vickers." Sight: 23 x 36 inches. Unfortunately, some signs of wear and tear are visible throughout the work, which will have a consequence on the estimate of your work. The figure provided is based on comparables recently offered and sold at auction. Works by Albert Henry Vickers seem to regularly appear at auction, mostly at auction houses in England and America, and the results tend to be rather consistent. Best regards, Karine