An archaic jade spearheaf

An archaic Chinese jade spearhead, preceding Qing dynasty, probably from neolithic period. Excellent condition. Origin: purchased a couple of years ago in a French auction house near Blois (Valoir Pousse-Cornet)


16 cm x 5 cm

Acquired From:

Auction House

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Mearto's online appraisal:

David U.

Mearto specialist

June 3, 2024
Fair Market Value:

Dear Vincent, Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry, once again. Based on images and available information, this item is: A Chinese Jade ceremonial spearhead with beautiful polish from neolithic period as judged from its design. The extraordinary emphasis placed on ancestor worship and state ritual necessitated the production of massive numbers of bronze vessels and ceremonial weapons. Ceremonial weaponry, such as this, were an important part of state regalia. Good condition. Retail prices may vary.